I wonder who THIS pic is for...Papa K?!?!?! |
Hello family and friends!
So here are a few fun experiences I've had this week:
The weather is really starting to change...we were out dooring one
night and it began to pour. Well, we had a 45 minute discussion in the
pouring rain in just our suits...yeah, we were soaked. (what about the lady they were talking to???)

A bunch of the other Elders and I decided to have a Lobster Lunch.
We bought the lobsters from the market, and brought them home to fry
them up. Well, I thought I'd be exotic and try the lobster...yeah, I
almost puked after my first bite. Never again.
(He sent a video of one of the elders killing the lobster before throwing it in the boiling pot of water. UGH!)

So remember how I cut my own hair...? well, I did this week again,
but ended up slipping with the buzzer....So i had a big bald patch in
the back of my head, and had to have my companion cut my neckline really
high to get rid of it...awesome...
We have a recent Convert we've been having a lot of lessons with.
Her name is Griselda. She moves back to El Salvador after being here for
5 years, and we're going to miss her so much! She's such an amazing,
strong person!

We had a fireside at the mission home on Sunday! It was really fun
to get together with a bunch of Elders again. I've made some amazing
friends, but some of my favorite are actually the senior couple! Elder
and Sister Tiffany have become like my grandparents out here and I love
them so much!

It's amazing to see the effects of the Gospel and the spirit in
peoples lives. Linda Thompson, the lady we baptized a couple weeks ago,
who has MS and is in a wheelchair, can't do anything for herself. She
hasn't been able to move her arms, hands, fingers, or hardly talk. We've
had to read her lips most of the time. She even wasn't able to scratch
her own face if she had an itch. However, this past week, Linda was able
to attend the temple and be apart of Baptisms and confirmations for the
first time. It was a great experience and she really loved it. Well,
the next day we received a call...Linda was able to use her arms, hands,
and fingers to actually do something. She was able to hand some things
to other people and was able to talk to us over the phone, to where we
could actually understand her! Then at church, i sat across from her in
Gospel principles class, and watched as she was able to lift her arm and
hand to scratch her own face....I was overcome with joy from the work
of the Lord. The effects of the spirit and the temple are an amazing
thing, and I have truly been witnessing a miracle from the Lord this
After we did baptisms for the dead, we went back to the Stuarts
(the ward mission leader) house and Griselda made us Papusas ( I think
that's how you spell it). A really good tortilla and beans real Mexican
dish. Yum!
(L-R) Elder Deem, Elder Jensen, Elder Wolsey, Elder Sloan,
Elder Hardy, Elder Thompson, Elder Fisher (Elder Hunt on the floor!)
While planning one morning, we prayed about where to go that day. I
really felt we needed to focus on a certain street. So we decided to
go, and happened to door into a former investigator. We asked how she
was doing, and she proceeded to tell us how crazy life is. So many
things were going on, and on top of it all, her best friend had
committed suicide the day before...We told her it was not a coincidence
that we were there, and she invited us in. We taught her the plan of
salvation, and I was able to relate my very personal experience dealing
with that same thing with Denzel. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but
I know that, had I not gone through that trial in my life, I wouldn't
have been able to help Joanne with that same trial. I'm grateful for our
trials and how they can bless us in our lives, even though we may not
see the blessing come until far after the actual trial. Trust in the
Lord and know that He will provide.
I love this missionary work, and I love all of you back home. This
is where I need to be at this time in my life, and I'm so grateful for
the opportunity to serve. I know this is the true Gospel. I'm able to
experience its truth and works every single day out here. If there is
one thing I can tell you, it's to trust in the Lord and HIS will. Never
let our own wants and desires push God's will out of the way...we can
never go wrong with Him on our side.
Love you all! Take care! And write me... I love letters. (:
Love Elder Hunt
Great letter! I'm going to share of couple of his stories with Breanne. The picture of him holding the red lobster looks like someone is doing a brain experiment on him! I remember the feeling of comfort of having senior missionaries nearby on my mission. Like he said it was kind of like having Grandma and Grandpa there. Papusas/pupusas are like thick, stuffed tortillas. Mmmmm...
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm pretty sure pupusas are El Salvadoran.