Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Personal Scripture Study...Lovin' It!!!

Dear Family,
First off, I'm loving my study time in the mission field.  I love the scriptures, the hymns, and the church books I'm able to study.  Lately, I've been reading about Paul and his conversion and ministry.  His story is quite intense and reminds me a lot of "Pirates of the Carribbean!"  There is so much adventure and great lessons taught.  For part of my studies I've also been writing about my mission experience, from start to finish, including what I've learned from each companion and experiences that have taught me Christ-like attributes.  I don't think there's any other part of the day that I enjoy more than the time I have to study!  (And I'm reading a hymn each night before I go to bed and that has been really cool, too!)

However, I do enjoy our lessons with our investigators, and I love teaching the gospel!  We met with Rosie this week and had a great lesson about the ten commandments.  Afterwards we surprised her with a belated birthday cake since we were out of town the day of her birthday.

Later in the week we traveled to Gander.  We met with a few people and also did some contacting.  It is sad to see people who don't care about God or anything in life.  They live their lives day-to-day without a single thought of God or plans for the future.  For instance, we were led to a woman who's sister was told the day before that she has cancer.  And then she said to us, "I don't need religion right now...I'll do it later."  I am so grateful to have had the Gospel in my life since birth!  Christ's example, and following it, is what makes the difference between a happy life and a miserable one.

Driving back from Grand Fall there was a big car wreck and five ambulances went flying past us.  It made me appreciate even more the safety we are always blessed with as missionaries.

We had a great second lesson with a new investigator named Crystal.  She is so humble and has been prepared for the Gospel to come into her life.  It is so exciting to be a part of bringing this blessing to her!

We went to the Youth Center after doing a lot of contacting, and got all of the kids off their bums and outside to play some sports.  They were very impressed that I could throw a decent spiral football.  It was a lot of fun, and many of them want help to quit smoking, so we'll be starting a class there next week!

Later in the week we had a short lesson with Rosie.  During the lesson she randomly said, "I've been off coffee and tea now for a month!"  This was a surprise since we hadn't taught her the Word of Wisdom yet!!

The bugs are getting so thick out here they could probably carry me away!!  For some reason the bug bites I get out here are much worse than the ones I get back in Utah.

Father's Day was really good out here and it made me think a lot about Dad and about what kind of father I'll be someday.  Dad is the most incredible example to in in so many ways.  I've learned most from the things that I've observed him doing, and there have been countless times where he probably didn't know I was watching.  He set the example for ma as he always sat at the breakfast table, reading his scriptures, and he always did it before anything else.  He also led us each morning as we gathered bright and early for family scripture study.  One of the biggest lessons I've learned in my life is to be able to put first things first, and prioritize correctly, and my dad helped me to learn that from a young age.  The Gospel and our family have always come first for him, and I couldn't be more proud to have a dad who is so close to perfection, yet so humble.  He is truly an incredible servant of the Lord.

I love you Dad!!  And everyone else, too!!

Elder Hunt

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