Well, this week has flown by!! Last week we emailed over in Halifax and when we walked out of the library, the Royal Tattoo (a famous group of bagpipers, drummers and highland dancers) was performing. They were quite amazing. (I'll see if Mom can upload the video.)
In the evening we went to the Maclennan's for dinner, and they had invited the James family too, who just moved into the ward. It was a wonderful dinner and evening. We had Family Home Evening afterwards, and played a bunch of music. One of the daughters (Savannah) is a talented fiddler, so we had a lot of fun playing. We also shared a spiritual thought and they gave us some solid referrals too. It was a good day!
Tuesday we went to Kentville for my last zone training meeting. It felt strange to be the missionary who will soon be leaving. I was asked to give my testimony, along with some of the other missionaries I came out with. It was very emotional, and the spirit there was felt so strongly. I'm so grateful for the growth of my testimony, and for the strength I've gained over the course of my mission. And the ZT, we went back to Sackville and continued working. We had dinner with the James family, who are great additions to the ward, and are very missionary minded! We also met with President Leavitt at our apartment and we had our personal interviews with him. I sure love meeting with President Leavitt and feel grateful for the relationship I have with him.
We did a lot of contacting and regular missionary work for the next couple of days. We even had a family history workshop one night and it was cool to find information on Grandfather Barton's parents that linked everything else way back!
On Friday (Happy Birthday, Jaimi!) we had a zone fast to help us achieve our baptism goals. We had some good quality gospel conversations and Elder Blum is getting much better with his contacting skills. Tonight we had another lesson with Donna, who we taught for the first time on Wednesday. The lesson went well and the spirit was really strong. She is definitely taking it all in and is learning a great deal.
Saturday we started to see some good progress in Sackville!! Our day began with some service for a non-member (his wife is an investigator) and we were able to talk a lot about the church as we worked. He wants to have us back, so that's great!. Then we stopped by a less-active's home, we met with him and his girlfriend, and she is interested in learning more about the church. After that we had supper with another less-active, who's daughters are normally very closed-off, but they really opened up to us. In the evening we were going to do some street singing with the Sisters, but then I felt impressed that we should go knocking on a certain road. We knocked nearly the entire street without success...and then Elder Blum got a door where a really cute girl answered. He started off the conversation with, "Uhhm, what kind of dog do you have?" This might have been a rational question...except there was no dog in sight, anywhere! It was absolutely hilarious and awkward!! I jumped in and "saved" him, but he IS learning!! Near the end of the road we knocked on the door of a man "just leaving for a wedding reception." We talked at the door for a minute about Sabbath worship on Sunday vs. Saturday. When I mentioned something about it in the Bible, he said, "Show me!" I replied, "I thought you were going to a wedding reception..." He opened his door and let us in. Long story short, we had a wonderful lesson with him and he is very intrigued by the Book of Mormon. Such a blessing!!
Sunday was wonderful. We were kept so busy talking and working with members and getting so much accomplished. I love working with the members and it is the only way to go. It's incredible what happens when members are involved! We also had dinner with the Fox Family. He isin the Stake Presidency and has a great family. Later in the evening we ended up behind some stores in a back ally, and crossed paths with three people who are interested in hearing about the gospel. It was amazing to see how the Lord worked things out for us.
Well, that's all the recap for this week. Hope you're staying nice and cool in warm St. George!!
Elder Hunt
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